Kentucky Qualification System

KQS establishes and promotes baseline qualifications for Kentucky's incident workforce consisting of incident management, incident support, and emergency management personnel. – KYEM Director Eric Gibson

​What is KQS?

The Kentucky Qualification System or KQS establishes a standardized framework for assessing and validating emergency management personnel's qualifications, skills, and competencies. By adopting this system, Kentucky will ensure that emergency responders, officials, and volunteers possess the necessary expertise to handle a wide range of emergency situations efficiently and effectively. The following illustration shows the basic KQS process. The goal of the process is for a person to be fully trained and credentialed to serve in a position in an Incident Management Team or Emergency Operations Center Assistance Team. 

What is happening with KQS?

On June 29, 2023, the KQS Advisory Committee held its inaugural meeting to discuss the implementation process of KQS. The Advisory Committee has been working steadily since then with development of KQS as its primary mission. The following persons compose the Advisory Committee: Mr. Dustin Heiser, KYEM (Committee Chair); Mr. Steve Brukwicki, KYEM; Mr. Drew Chandler, Woodford County EM; Mr. Michael Froelich, EEC; Mr. Grant Gillion, KDPH; Ms. Jennifer Hitch, KYEM; Mr. Marc Rudder, KY Fire Commission; Mr. Todd Schulkers, Kenton County HS/EM; Mr. Kevin Vogelpohl, Boone County EM; Maj. Eric Walker, KSP; Mr. Garth Wireman, Greenup County EM; Mr. Jason York, KYEM; Ms. Charla Sands, DMA, Legal Counsel, Nonvoting; and Dr. Charlie Harris, KYEM, Secretary, Nonvoting. The Advisory Committee is currently assisting the development and submission of Historical Recognition packets for specific EOC and IMT positions. The Committee is also working on an updated version of the KQS SOG. ​

In July of 2023, the Advisory Committee formed a Policy and Procedures Subcommittee. The subcommittee developed a Standard Operating Guide (SOG) for KQS as part of its duties. The Advisory Committee published Version 1 of the KQS SOG in February of 2024. This document guides KQS implementation and management. Click on the link titled “KQS SOG" at the top right of this page to obtain a copy. 

Since June of 2023, the Advisory Committee has continued to meet and guide the implementation of KQS in the Commonwealth. ​Starting in September 2024, the Advisory Committee began to actively emphasize Historical Recognition to interested professionals across the Commonwealth. Through Historical Recognition the Advisory Committee seeks to build a bench of qualified mentors and evaluators to support the issuance of Position Task Books or PTBs to professionals learning their positions on Incident Management and EOC Assistance Teams. ​

​​The Qualification Review Boards

Beginning in the fall of 2023, KYEM began to coordinate the formation of Qualification Review Boards or QRBs. The purpose of the QRBs will be to manage the qualification system process of KQS. There are two QRBs in the Commonwealth. One board handles IMT personnel, and the other focuses upon EOC Assistance Team members.

On September 14, 2023, the IMT QRB held its first meeting.  Since then, the IMT QRB has met on a regular basis, and the board continues to develop its role in KQS

The following persons compose the IMT QRB: Mr. Dustin Heiser, KYEM (Chair); Mr. Rob Blair, KDEP- ERT; Mr. Wayne Briscoe, KBEMS; Mr. Ian Burkett, KYEM; Ms. Kenna “Marti" Burton, KYEM; Mrs. Randi Feltner, KYTC; Mr. Jimmie Hampton, KDPH; Mr. Doug Hargreaves (USAR – KYEM); Mr. James McCloud, KDEP-ERT; Mr. Edward Meiman, Louisville Metro EMA; Mr. Bob Stephens, KYEM; Maj. Eric Walker, KSP; Mr. Terry Wattenbarger, State Fire Rescue Training; Mr. Garth Wireman, Greenup County EM ; Mr. Jordan Yuodis, AMFEMS; and Dr. Charlie Harris, KYEM, Secretary, Nonvoting. 

On January 17, 2024, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) QRB met for the first time. The following persons compose the EOC QRB with additional members to be confirmed:  Mr. Dustin Heiser, KYEM (Chair); Mr. Nick Bailey, Hopkins County EMA; Mr. Rob Blair, KDEP- ERT; Mr. Patrick Compton, KYEM; Col. Christopher Crockett, KY State Park Rangers; Mr. Jerrod Dean, KYEM; Mr. William Eckler, KYEM; Ms. Jessica Elbouab, KYEM; Mr. Doug Hargreaves (USAR – KYEM), Mr. Frederick Holt, EEC; Mrs. Amanda LeMaster, EEC; Mr. James McCloud, KDEP-ERT; CPT Austin Powell, KYNG; Mr. Jay Postlewaite, KYTC; Mr. Russell Rains, KDPH; Mr. Phillip Ross, KOHS; Mr. Greg Shanks, KDAEM; Dr. Carrie, Wilburn, KY Fire Commission; and Dr. Charlie Harris, KYEM, Secretary, Nonvoting. ​

KQS in the News

New Kentucky Emergency Management system helps disaster response | FOX 56 News

Kentucky Emergency... - Kentucky Emergency Management | Facebook

What's Coming Up with KQS?

Both the Advisory Committee and the QRBs are working to provide information to those who wish to participate in KQS. Their goal is to have updated and relevant information available on this site throughout the calendar year. 

For personnel seeking certification and credentialing to serve on an IMT, the IMT QRB is concentrating upon Historical Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (HR).  If you are interested in submitting an HR Packet, please contact the KQS Coordinator. 

The EOC Assistance Team QRB meets on a regular basis. The current focus of the QRB centers upon the certification and credentialing of key positions in the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC). States in FEMA Region IV have decided upon a common set of tasks for key positions in their SEOCs to facilitate assistance from other Region IV states during disasters.  The EOC Assistance Team QRB hopes to make SEOC Position Task Books available by Spring 2025 to persons interested in Historical Recognition.  

For Additional Information

For more information about the Kentucky Qualification System, contact the KYEM KQS Program Manager, Dr. Charlie Harris at 502-607-5707 or by email

KQS Meetings Minutes

KQS Resources​


Advisory Committee Member Photos

IMT QRB Member Photos

EOC Assistance Team QRB Member Photos

​New KQS ​YouTube Channel 

Upcoming Meetings:

The Advisory Committee and both Qualification Review Boards Meet, at least, quarterly. Contact the KQS Coordinator for the next scheduled meetings. The meetings are open to the public. 

Kentucky Qualification System