2018 COMEX

Day 1: June 13

9am-3pm EST
Kentucky Emergency Management Area Offices to County EMA Communications Test 
KYEM Area Offices will perform a DMARCS test with their county EM managers. The test will be performed according to the schedule below. All tests will originate out of the Area office to their supporting counties.  All tests will originate out of the Area office to their respective counties  Due to some of the KYEM Area realignments, some Area offices may have to request an area patch from the Statewide 24-hour Warning Point (SWP) to perform your test.
1.    0930-1000:  Region 1
2.    1000-1030Region 2
3.    1030-1100Region 3
4.    1100-1130Region 4
5.    1130-1200Region 5
6.    1200-1230Lunch
7.    1230-1300Region 6
8.    1300-1330Region 7
9.    1330-1400Region 8
10.  1400-1430Region 9
11.  1430-1500Region 10

9am-11am EST
Alert Notification System Test
Staff members of the SWP will activate the KYEM Alert Notification System (ANS) to initiate the exercise.  The recorded message may be from the Director or other Command Staff member. The recommended message text is shown in the schedule below. All communication platforms within the ANS will be tested including telephone, SMS text messaging, and email.

(0900) Email – All KYEM Staff, ESF representatives and local Emergency Managers.

(0930) Phone - All KYEM Staff, ESF representatives and local Emergency Managers.

(1000) text message - All KYEM Staff, ESF representatives and local Emergency Managers.
Email Message: THIS IS AN EXERCISE TEST MESSAGE from the Kentucky Emergency Management Alert Notification System. As part of the 2018 COMEX you are receiving this email because you have a role to play during activation of the State Emergency Operations Center.  You will receive additional alerts via phone and text.

Voice Message:  THIS IS AN EXERCISE TEST MESSAGE from the Kentucky Emergency Management Alert Notification System. As part of the 2018 COMEX, please confirm that you received an email from the SEOC by clicking 1 for YES and 2 for NO.  Thank You!

Text Message:  THIS IS AN EXERCISE TEST MESSAGE from the Kentucky Emergency Management Alert Notification System. If you have not received a COMEX email or telephone alert please call the SWP at 502-607-6600.
11am-12pm EST
Area Managers Conduct DMARCS and SAT Phone Test to State EOC
Each Area office will perform DMARCS and SAT phone communications tests between their Area Offices and state vehicles to the SWP.

Satellite Phone Test
Area Offices with Satellite phones will test their phones with the SWP. Test times are from 11am-12pm EST.  Please call the SWP at the following number: 502-607-1630.

Emergency Management Regional Offices Communications Test 
Each Area offices will perform a DMARCS test to the SWP.  All tests will be originated out of the AREA Office and/or vehicle to the SWP.  Due to some of the EM Region realignments, some Area Offices may have to request an area patch from the SWP to perform your test.
1pm-3pm EST
Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOM) Radio Check
The AUXCOM radio check will be focused on testing and identifying issues with the SWP amateur radio station and the Emergency Management Mobile Command Vehicle (EMMCV) amateur radio station.  Any equipment issues will be documented. HF/VHF&UHF, voice & digital, and WINLINK systems will be tested.

Day 2: June 14

9am-11am EST
KYEM Staff Training
1.    All KYEM Frankfort Staff members will receive three hours of training (combined classroom and practicum) on the various communications platforms that are available for use by KYEM personnel, receive their radio unit number, actually perform a push to talk call on the DMARCS radio system, and actually perform a push to talk call on the Satellite Radio System.
2.    In order for individuals to receive credit for participation in the 2018 COMEX, participants must complete the online Participant Feedback Form at the following web address: http://kyem.ky.gov/comex.

KYEM Staff Training Schedule
9:00am Classroom Training
9:30am DMARCS Station
10:00am Satellite Training Station
10:30am EM Mobile Command Vehicle Orientation

State SAR Coordinator
Wayne Burd

State Exercise Coordinator
Bobby Gillis

2018 COMEX Helpline Number
2018 COMEX