The Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) grant program is available to offer hazardous material trainings throughout the Commonwealth. A list of courses covered through this program is listed below. This list is not all inclusive, if there is a different training that your community needs please let us know. If your community is interested in hazardous materials trainings, please complete a Request to Host Training form and submit to your local Emergency Management Director.
Training opportunities include but not limited to:
In Person Specialty Courses include but not limited to the following:
- HazMat IQ Above and Below
- HazMat IQ Advanced
- HazMat IQ Rad
- HazMat IQ Decon
- HazMat IQ Tox-Medic
- HazMat IQ First Responders Offensive
In Person Exercise Opportunities
include but not limited to:
- HSEEP HazMat Tabletop
- HSEEP HazMat Functional
- HSEEP HazMat Workshop
- HSEEP HazMat Drills
- HSEEP HazMat Seminar/Development
Preparedness Opportunities include but not limited to:
- Commodity Flow Surveys: Identify the patterns and the transport of hazardous materials through the transportation system of a specific area.
- Planning Projects: Educate the public on the hazard safety measures that are in place in their community. The public right-to-know act.
- Table Top Exercise: Test or practice responses to an emergency scenario.
- Workshops: Policy updates and various sessions that focus on emergency planning.
- Emergency Planning Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). Courses and workshops aimed at developing, improving, and implementing emergency plans under the EPCRA act sections 301 and 303.
Find out how you can participate:
* NASTTPO Conference
* HotZone Conference
* Cold Zone
* HazMat Continuing Challenge
* IAFC International HazMat Conference